Ayurveda is a popular alternative medicine. It is sometimes called traditional Hindu system of medicine. The medicine is incorporated with Atharva Veda. Atharva Veda is the last of the four Vedas described in Hindu philosophy This Veda is completely based on the ideas balance in bodily systems and diet we eat every day, including herbal treatment as well as yogic breathing. Studies say today’s medical practices that are called modernized and globalized practices are different from Ayurveda. Many believe, Ayurveda is a type of complementary or alternative medicine (CAM). In Europe and America, Ayurveda is not considered a mainstream medicine. It is called an alternative medicine and used for therapeutic applications, like massage therapy, aromatherapy etc. Ayurveda, often integrated into general health and wellness, and sometimes in some cases in medical use.
Ayurveda Is The Science Of Life
The word ‘Life’ is synonymous with ‘Health’, Ayurveda deals with life, so it is called the science of life or health. The approach of healing through Ayurveda is holistic. It does not deal with a person’s organs in isolation and does not treat organs as a part, but treats the body as a whole. Ayurveda is a medicine which gives temporary as well as permanent relief and combats against the ailment to help get rid of them.
What Does Ayurveda say About Human Body?
Ayurveda discusses a man is nothing but a composite structure of body, mind, and spirit. A physician of Ayurveda, therefore does a psychosomatic examination, study the patient and tries to restore the harmony. He or she does this by locating the seat of the disease or diseases understanding the ‘type’ of the patient, diagnosis, and treat the human as a whole which carefully chosen holistic Ayurvedic medicines. A through diagnosis and treatment, coupled with NADI PARIKSHA i.e. examining the pulse, says the Ayurvedic doctor if the disease or disorder associated with VATA, KAPHA or PITTA type. After recognizing this, an appropriate ayurvedic formulation is used to set the correct the disease or disorder.
Ayurvedic medicines are normally taken orally. These medicines are applied locally, sometimes inhaled and fermented with. The system of Ayurvedic treatment undertakes surgery as well as the process of purification, which is called PANCHAKARMA.
Source of Ayurvedic Medicines
Ayurvedic medicines come from nature, plant kingdom and some minerals, mostly contribute to its treasure of natural medicines. After an extensive study, experimentation as well as documentation of hundreds and thousands of plants over a long period of time. The ancient sages of India have studied and come to accurate conclusions about the efficiency of various plants, herbs, and minerals. Some medicines have been extracted from different plant parts, like bark, flower, fruit, stem, leaf and much, much more. As a whole, the majority of Ayurvedic medicines are free from side effects, until and unless they are used indiscriminately.
In these days, dozens of institutions in India are presently engaged to promote Ayurveda as a viable complementary or alternative medicine to the chemicals-based medicines.
The Science of Ayurveda
Ayurveda often called Ayurvedic science is not merely a traditional Indian form of natural medicine. It is a perennial naturopathic system of healthcare based on the knowledge acquired through centuries. The main objective of Ayurveda is to attain perfect health by building equilibrium of perfect harmony between the body and environment and certainly its habitats. Ayurveda calls for a total harmony of the human body with natural elements and its surrounding environment for diseases free healthy and fit life. Ayurveda is a science and it does not merely describe with medical science but the scope of it goes much beyond the world of conventional science.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies and Its Benefits
Ayurvedic home remedies consider safe and natural. The greater number of medicines used in Ayurveda are natural and herbal in nature; they all are free from side effects. Some of the benefits of using Ayurveda as home remedies are:
- Ayurvedic remedies are highly preventive, protective and curative in nature.
- Most of the Ayurvedic medicines are easy to buy and found everywhere.
- They are free of side effects and provide long-term cure from the ailments.
- The remedies normally emphasize on people’s lifestyle change and the modification of their diet, pattern of sleep and other day-to-day activities.
Therefore, the holistic or natural approach toward the overall health and well-being of an individual that would be effective comparing with conventional medicines.
Some of the diseases that are common these days are cured by Ayurveda.
- Arthritis and Rheumatic arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Bronchial diseases
- Skin diseases
- Hetraplegia and paraplegia
- Facial paralysis and infertility
- Sinusitis and migraine
- Hypertension and depression
- Obesity
- Slip disk and spondylitis
- Nervous breakdown or debility and much more
Ayurveda places great importance on an individual’s lifestyle, like eating and living habits. This medicine also provides guidance on how to maintain and adjust the lifestyle based on the seasonal changes.
Types of Ayurvedic Therapies
Ayurvedic treatment can be classified into Shodhana and Shamana, where sodhana means purification and shaman means palliative respectively.
- The shodhana or purification therapy includes vamana or emesis, virechana or purgation, vasti or enema and nasya or nasal errhines.
- On the other hand, shaman includes deepana or carminative, pachana or digestive and upavasa or fasting.
Your Life Energy And Ayurveda
Students of CAM i.e. complementary and alternative medicines and therapy believe everything is in the universe, it can be dead or alive, all are connected with each other. Whether your body, mind, and spirit are in perfect harmony with the universe, you have good health. In the time, something disrupts this balance, you feel that you are not good from inside out or you get sick. Among the thing that can disrupt this balance are genetic, injuries, age and seasonal change, and sometimes emotions.
People, who practice Ayurveda, think everybody is made of these core elements found in the universe, ether, earth, water, fire and air. These combine in the human body to form three energies called doshas. These things control one’s body to work. Vata Dosha or Space and Air; Pitta Dosha or Fire and Water and Kapha Dosha or Water and Earth.
Everybody inherits a unique blend of these three doshas, but one is generally stronger than others because each one controls different parts of human body and functions. According to Ayurveda, your chances of getting sick and the health problems you develop are directly or indirectly linked to the balance of these doshas.