Yoga for Weight Gain

Now you can easily gain your weight with these top weight gain asana or weight gain yoga. Most of the people do not believe the benefits of yoga for weight gain. They believe yoga is good to improve body posture and prevent illnesses. Some of them also believe yoga is good for zero figure or people like to have zero size figure. Yoga is good for weight gain and weight loss at the same time. Here we have discussed top yoga for weight gain and discussed the benefits of asana for weight gain that you can practice at home.

Yoga for Weight Loss

If you are suffering from underweight issue then you must know, it is a health issue like poor metabolism, poor appetite, very low immunity, osteoporosis and other issues. Yoga is good to improve your immunity power or you can boost your immune system with yoga. Astanga yoga is good for immunity improvement, which is sometimes for 8 limbs of yoga. One of the best ways to gain weight is yoga. With the help of weight gain asana, you can improve your weight.  If you practice yoga for weight gain and maintain a good diet on a regular basis then you can rest assured to gain weight. Let us see the yoga asana for weight gain and the benefits of asana for weight gain.

Weight Gain Yoga Posture / Benefits of Yoga for Weight Gain  

Yoga is highly recommended for people thinking of gaining weight. Yoga is good for other benefits. Yoga is the best exercise for building stamina, improve body posture movement, increasing strength, reducing stress, tension, anxiety, and headache. Yoga is good to improve the flexibility of mind and body because it is the best exercise that helps your mind calm and prevent many different health issues like poor metabolism, improve digestive system, immune system and appetite. It helps you rejuvenate and regenerate from inside out. Let us see the benefits of yoga for weight gain and learn how to practice these asanas.

Benefits of Cobra Pose for Weight Gain: Cobra pose is also known as Bhujangasana is a back stretches muscles yoga which helps your arms and shoulders. This yoga pose improves the flexibility of your entire body, increase weight and relieves fatigue and stress.

Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose

Benefits of Shoulder Stand Pose for Weight Gain: This yoga pose helps to stretches your shoulders and improves the flexibility of the upper spine. It helps to relieve your stress because this yoga pose is very helpful for your brain calmness and nervous system.

Shoulder Stand Pose
Shoulder Stand Pose

Benefits of Diamond Pose for Weight Gain: This pose or asana helps in digestive issues like constipation, gas related problem. It also strengthens the muscles of your legs and back, thighs, ankles, knees, and feet. It also improves your posture and tones the pelvic muscles.

Diamond Pose
Diamond Pose

Benefits of Wind Removing Pose for Weight Gain: Yoga is very much beneficial to reduce our daily stress as well as helps a person to prevent hair loss. The yoga asanas/yoga poses like Pawanmuktasana/Wind removing pose and Vajrasana/Thunderbolt pose that is very much helpful to prevent hair loss and other benefits.

Wind Removing Pose
Wind Removing Pose

Benefits of Fish Pose for Weight Gain: This is a great pose to prevent different diseases. It stretches the deep hip flexors and makes muscle stronger between the ribs. Stimulate the muscles and organs of belly, throat, upper back, back of the neck and the front portion of your neck.


Benefits of Corpse Pose for Weight Gain: It decreases heart rate and slows down the rate of respiration. This pose decreases blood pressure, muscle tension, and metabolic rate.  On the other side, corpse pose mitigates the occurrence of headaches.

Corpse Pose
Corpse Pose

Benefits of Warrior Pose I for Weight Gain: Expands your chest, lungs, and shoulders. Stimulates abdominal organs and digestion. Builds core strength in your torso, abdomen, spine and pelvic floor. Quiets your mind, calms your nervous system and reduces anxiety.


Benefits of Warrior Pose II for Weight Gain: The most beneficial is that by practicing this pose it brings auspiciousness and courage in you and core awareness. Strengthens your shoulders, arms, thighs, legs, and ankles. Stretches your groins, thighs, and ankles. Expands your chest, lungs, and shoulders.


Benefits of Warrior Pose III for Weight Gain: This yoga Improves balance in your body which helps increase stamina. Warrior Pose is beneficial for those with sedentary or deskbound jobs. This yoga pose is extremely beneficial in case of frozen shoulders. Warrior yoga pose releases the stress in the shoulders (if any) very effectively in a short span of time.


Benefits of Right Nostril Breathing for Weight Gain: It is good to reduce depression and best for low energy. It is one of the best stress management exercises. Right nostril breathing helps in reducing anxiety, depression, sleep disorder etc. It balances the blockages in the pranic energy channels that are the part of spiritual consciousness.


 Benefits of Anulomvilom Pranayama for Weight Gain: This pranayama is good for sinus, helpful for respiratory issues, helps to prevent and cure asthma. This breathing exercise is also good in removing artery blockages and maintain the cholesterol levels, good for constipation, diabetes, and obesity.

Yoga Mudra

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