The main objectives of yoga forms or poses on which anyone can achieve a healthy body and mind through regular practice.
Mahabharata defines the main purpose of YOGA, as the experience of Brahman / Atman / Soul pervading all things.
But in the specific sense of Patanjali’s YOGA SUTRA, YOGA is defined as cessation of the perturbations of mind. In the YOGA SUTRA, Patanjali indicated that the main aim of YOGA is a state of permanent peace. Apart from spiritual freedom and peace, yoga is used to alleviate different health problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple in contemporary times. It is also used as a complete therapy and exercise for mind and body.
In the West, the term YOGA is widely used but associated with Hata yoga and asana, as a form of exercise. Where it has been using purely as a form of exercise, its profound benefit of mental, physical and spiritual awareness. Many of the Western countries believe that the long-term practice of YOGA improves musculoskeletal and mental health and also prevent different disease, such as Asthma, Back pain, Spinal pain, Diabetes and so on. Regular YOGA practice increases brain GABA levels and improves mood and anxiety. The three main aim of Hata Yoga:
- Exercise
- Breathing (Breathing Exercise) / (Pranayam)
- Meditation
These are very much beneficial to those suffering from heart disease. Practicing yoga regularly prevents and may reduce high blood pressure, improve symptoms of heart failure, enhance cardiac rehabilitation, decrease cardiovascular risk factors.
Here we have discussed some of the important tenets or principle of Yoga.
Right Relaxation
This principle involves proper relaxation. Through yoga practice you can get rid of muscle tension and can rest your entire body, your nervous system will get revitalized and you will feel an inner peace, feel refreshed and relaxed. You will feel energetic whole day in your work and will help in the conservation of energy. After a day when you feel less energetic, your regular yoga exercise will make you better in mind and body and will increase your muscle power to prevent diseases.
Right Exercise
This principle is also very important which involves proper exercise. When we work throughout the day we feel less energetic because our physical body moves in different position. To revitalize our body we need proper exercise. Different Yoga poses help us to tone and strengthen the ligaments and muscles and help us to enhance the flexibility of our joints and spin in the body. Different Yoga poses/asanas/styles help us to rejuvenate the different systems in the body.
Right Breathing
Proper breathing is very much important in yoga exercise. Breathing should be done rhythmically and fully that your lungs are used to increase the intake capacity of oxygen. You need to know how to breathe properly while doing a particular yoga style because different yoga poses are used to get different benefits. You know that right breathing means breathing exercise, which is called Pranayam. Yoga and Pranayam are interconnected. If you do yoga regularly to get the entire benefits of mind and body you need to practice Pranayam regularly.
Pranayama consists of two words prana (life) on the breath and Ayama, to draw out. Simply we can say this is a breathing exercise. The particular system of breath control with three processes.
Purak (to take the breath inside), kumbhak (to retain it) and rechak (to discharge it from the body). These are not only models available in Pranayama, there is also a few models available in Pranayama those are also widely accepted. According to Bhagavad Gita (Song of the lord), pranayama is induced by stopping all breathing.
Patanjali a Hindu Rishi also discussed some specific approach of pranayama. He described pranayama is an essential exercise for concentration. Many of the YOGA teachers advise pranayama is an overall practice for the breathing exercise.
Pranayam or breathing exercise will help you to gain more focused in mind and will help you to increase the levels of energy.
Right Diet
If you practice yoga, you need to maintain your right diet also. The food that you eat has an effect on your body and mind. An improper diet will affect your entire health. It will also affect your mind and body. A healthy diet will nourish your body and mind. On the other hand, an improper or unhealthy diet will badly affect your spiritual, mental awareness and lead to mental deficiency. You can take the advice of a yoga expert who will help you to select your moderate diet, which is very much essential in yoga practice. Everyone knows that unhealthy eating habits may lead to ailments like obesity and or diabetes. Try to eat vegetable and adequate water every day.
Right Thinking and Meditation
Right thinking is the key to your success. Always think positive. Make a good habit to think positive all the time. It will not only effect on your mind but also help you to boost up in your working. This right thinking and meditation are the great principles in yoga practice. If you practice meditation with your yoga regularly side by side, it will be helpful for you to develop a peaceful and healthy mind, it improves your positive thinking. Meditation helps you to get rid of negative blocks and thoughts. Meditation brings your mind fully under control.
Meditation builds and promotes relaxation, build internal energy, to develop concentration, to develop compassion, love, patience, generosity, and forgiveness. In general, meditation helps an individual at effortlessly sustained single-pointed concentration, analysis and to help to enjoy an indestructible sense of well being.