Now it is the time to heal your trigger pain with trigger point Massage Therapy. One of the most common aches that make suffers human body muscles generally called trigger point pain. Trigger point pain is also known as muscle knot. The tight areas in muscles are called trigger point and these areas cause pain within different parts of human body and it can be totally healed by trigger point massage therapy. Suppose you have a sciatica pain or acute pain in your back and it produces referral pain in your neck. Here, your neck acts like satellite trigger point and it can cause pain in your head. The pain can be severe, intense or sometimes mild.
About Trigger Point Massage
Trigger point massage mainly focuses in alleviating the source of trigger point. A cycle of remote pressure and release therapy is applied from distant area of trigger pain source to heal the trigger point pain including tingling, numbness and discomfort. The pain generally occurs in hip, back, shoulder and neck areas. During trigger point therapy, the person needs to go for deep breathing to identify the panful area and to intensify the pain.
Method of Trigger Point Massage Therapy
When you come to know which area is paining then your therapist applies a variety of finger techniques, though the techniques are varied on pressure around the points aiming to break the knots of the muscle. Although, direct pressure is not applied because it can cause severe discomfort to the source of trigger point or around the afflicting area. Trigger point massage therapy heals muscle knots or tight area of muscles for long time. How many times you need to visit to your therapist to deactivating the trigger point, it simply depends on the size of trigger point.
Benefits of Trigger Point Massage Therapy
Trigger point massage not only heals rare pain in tight bonds o in tight muscles but also works on the points. It also manages to reduce the pain for long time. Trigger point therapy is not same as conventional massage therapy and it heals pain applying unique treating methodology.
- Trigger Point Massage Therapy releases chronic pain in constricted muscle areas and provides positive results to the recipients.
- You can experience decreasing level of pain just after one session of trigger point massage therapy.
- Receiving trigger point massage regularly can reduce muscle knot pain as well as stress in natural way.
Post Treatment of Trigger Point Massage
When you get rid of trigger point pain taking trigger point massage therapy, you need to take care of certain things. Let us talk about that.
- You need to keep yourself hydrated to prevent building up toxins in blood stream.
- Drink plenty of water and healthy food so that it can wash out toxins from blood stream.
- Water helps you to live free from toxin and trigger point pain.
- Even, you can go for Epsom salt bath to release toxin and muscle tenderness after trigger point massage.
Correct Muscles Imbalance with Trigger Point Massage Therapy. Trigger Point Massage Therapy reduces constricted muscle area pain in applying and releasing pressure. The technique helps you to releases toxin from blood streams.