Piloxing – The way to make a super-toned body


Pilates is an exercise, specially designed for improving physical strength, posture, and flexibility of body and it also helps to boost your mental apprehension.

Piloxing is very much challenging and enjoyable. This is a form of exercise that is a great way to attach diversity to your regular exercise. The program combines with boxing and pilates, is one of a great way to tone your entire body. This exercise helps you to bend your muscles-sculpting advantage of pilates with your body and strengthens cardio benefits of boxing. This system of exercise combines with dance techniques.

 Advantages of Piloxing

The advantages or benefits of this exercise are many. The exercise involves working with your core muscles. This is beyond doubt a new workout, quite difficult, but very much effective for your body helps to burns more calories in your body. Piloxing is fun as well as fitness making exercise. This workout helps to improve your self-confidence and higher serotonin level. Generally, the Piloxing classes are arranged into a break time format to boost your cardiovascular health.


The system of exercise – ‘Piloxing’ is originated by Viveca Jensen (A renowned Swedish Dancer and Celebrity Trainer). The main motive of this form of exercise is to help women to achieve a sleek, powerful, well toned and sexy image.

Expert suggestions

Renowned fitness expert Zareen Watson says, this form of exercise gained much importance in India. She also added that women who are taking this form of exercise need to be very cautious about the fact that this is one of the precision-based and strenuous exercises.

One of the best parts of this workout is that it helps one to attain a super-toned body. It is also great for women for the purpose of seductive moves, like the hip roll. 


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About the Author: Kabbyik

Kabbyik Mitra, a voracious reader and health writer. He is a health & lifestyle journalist. Kabbyik is a yoga enthusiast practicing yoga for last 7-year. He is a certified yoga therapist, a science writer, communicator and journalist. He has been practicing yoga and training people to live a healthy and happy life. Get in touch with him via email: yogatoall2016@gmail.com for any yoga related queries.

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