Eight angle pose is also known as Astavakrasana. This pose is dedicated to the sage Astavakra. Eight angle pose is an advance arm balance.
Steps to practice:
- At first you have to seat in Dandasana with both your legs crossed.
- Then bend your right knee and bring your right foot to the floor near to your right butt.
- Then thread your right arm below your right knee.
- Raise the sole of the right foot away from the floor. You have to keep your shin abruptly parallel to the floor.
- Now you should try to get your knee up as high as you can on your right arm. You may bring your knee over your right shoulder. Now plant both palms on the floor firmly and make straight your left leg. You have to press tightly into your palms to lift up your entire body away from the floor.
- When you are able to lift your left leg, bend that left leg to hook your left ankle around your right ankle.
- Next, bring your chest forward and keep your chest parallel to the floor as you shift both your legs over the right side. Try to keep your both legs straight. Finally hold this position for 30 to 60 second.
- Then come back in normal position and repeat the pose to the left.
Benefits of Eight Angle Pose: This pose strengthens the wrist and arms, improves balance. Eight angle pose tones abdominal muscles. This pose helps in digestion and helps to extracts toxins from the body. Practice eight angle pose carefully if you have wrist, elbow or shoulder injuries.